PermaTrack ~ 49′ Pack Aluminum

$200.00 & Free Shipping

Each Box of Track comes with thirteen 45.25 inch tracks, with 23 12mm holes for pixels and 39 Mounting Brackets.  Why 49 Feet and not 50 feet?  To keep 2 inch spacing between the tracks as well as keeping the track an easily manageable length that is the length that works.  When ordering the track we suggest at least 10% over what you think you need as you will have overage and if you order to the exact foot you will probably end up short

If you are Local and want to come pick it up
Use Coupon Code: UTAHPICKUP
at checkout to save on shipping cost of boxes of track only

After purchase, write us at [email protected] to arrange your pick up.
If you enter this code and don’t come pick it up we’ll have to cancel your order.  Then we will be sad.


Things you’ll also need: Get it all in a Bundle

  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover Card
  • PayPal


Permanent DIY Holiday LED Solution

Metal U-Channel with 12mm holes every 2″ for RGB-Pixels and an easy to install snap-fit mounting system.  This is for all you DIY-guys who want those awesome color changing lights on your house but don’t want to pay the “pros” to install it for you.

Need Pixels to fill your PermaTrack?

You’ll need 300 Pixels for each 50′ box of PermaTrack  

Click HERE to order Pixel Packs

Need a Controller for your Pixels?

You’ll need 1 Controller for 8 boxes of PermaTrack (or about 2400 Pixels)

If you have bought our Track or Pixels and need a Controller, Contact us. 

Need a Power Supply?

You’ll need 1 Power Supply for 8 boxes of PermaTrack (or about 2400 Pixels)

Click HERE to order a Power Supply

3D Printable Corners Here:

Additional information

Weight 176 oz
Dimensions 46 × 7 × 4 in

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