Here’s the sample “Backlog” command: Backlog SSID1 <xxxxxx>; Password1 <yyyyyy>; MqttHost <brokerIP>; MqttUser <xxxxxxx>; MqttPassword <yyyyyyy>; GPIO14 09; Hostname sonoff_name; MqttClient sonoff_name; Topic sonoff_name; FriendlyName1 Sonoff Name;    The Sonoff Pow R2 is a produnct provided by bangood that monitors power. In this specific scenario I am going to use it to figure out…

4 channel sonoff… all 4 of them

What’s better than a wifi controlled relay?  Two wifi controlled relays! That’s the sonoff Dual.  I already did a video about that. Then what’s better than 2 wifi controlled relays?!? 4 wifi controlled relays!  Let’s check out the 4 channel Sonoff! AliExpress.com Product – Sonoff 4CH Pro – 4 Channel WiFi RF Smart ON/OFF Remote…

NodeRED and Hassio – Install & Setup

So you’ve got Hassio up and running.  You’ve probably got a few smart switches and lights, maybe some sensors and even presence detection.  Now the real magic in Home Automation is getting all those smart devices to work together to make your house feel alive.  With Home Assistant you can do that with automations or…

Maker Faire Display | 3-way & 2 wire switch, Sonoff B1, and HA Dashboard

Besides just showing off the awesome stuff you can do with home automation, we’re using the Maker Faire display to demonstrate a few different situations that have come up in questions and comments on previous videos. First, let’s look at a light switch wiring situation from my first “sonoff-as-a-light-switch” video. When I was explaining different…

D1 Mini – Tasmotized + Motion Detection, RGB, Temp & Humidity

Believe it or not, there are other useful devices in the world beside the Sonoff.  I know, I was shocked too. As far as Arduino compatible, wifi devices go, the two most common are probably the D1 mini and the NodeMCU board.  In this video I’ll show you some of the useful things you can…