HA Dashboard – Touch Display & Control for Home Assistant

Watch the Video here As soon as I saw an example of someone’s HA Dashboard I was smitten.  I knew I had to have it! Unfortunately, when I started looking into how to set it up I was very intimidated and kept putting it off. Well, now with Hass.io, and a great Add-on maintained by…

Everything you need to get Home Assistant running and controlling a Tasmotized Sonoff

Everything you need to get Home Assistant running and controlling a Tasmotized Sonoff   Home Automation is awesome. There are a lot of different ways to make your dumb home more smarter. Using a hub is the most smartest place to start. When it comes to Smart Home Hubs, there are a lot of choices….

Zzonoff – my Masterpiece DIY Smart Switch

I decided to tear down a UL approved “smart switch” and compare it to the Sonoff Basic so I could create a modified Sonoff with all the UL-approvable parts included. I called my new creation the Zzonoff! Ingredients: Sonoff Basic: https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-wifi-wireless-switch.html Or, for not much more and faster shipping: http://amzn.to/2GJnd4b Capacitive Touch Module: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10PCS-Blue-HTTM-SCB-2-7V-6V-Capacitive-Touch-Switch-Module-Strong-anti-interference/32837535126.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.aLxG0f Again…